Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Turkey Hill CSA Newsletter - Week 13/14, 2009

Turkey Hill CSA Newsletter - Week 13/14

Notes From the Farm

As things wind down this fall on the farm, my newsletters will become less frequent. This one covers last week (13) and this week (14). I'll send another in a week or two. The boxes are packed full these days, but will diminsh over the next few weeks, my box summary at the end covers the next few weeks.

Last delivery day coming soon: the last farm pickup day will be Oct 2, the last delivery date for cb/gunnison will be Sun Oct. 4th. This last week we will deliver a big box, enough to last several weeks. Its possible that if the freeze holds off long enough we may go one extra week, watch this newsletter for details!


Trouble on the road

Last week (week 12) was a tough one for our delivery! The farm truck died outside crested butte with a dead transmission, and the produce arrived late to the delivery spot. One box was lost during the transfer to a new vehicle, and we wound up towing the truck to the shop for repairs. At least nobody was hurt and it looks like the truck will be ready in time for this weeks delivery, thanks to Lara for covering the last delivery in her own vehicle.

Questions and Answers

Please send me your questions, let me know what you want to know!
Send me your questions! Need a recipe? We have a recipe page on the website, or try  allrecipes.com. Want to know when a certain vegetable is coming in? confused about something in your box? email me! 

The next few Week's Boxs

Cucumbers - until it freezes
Beans - last week
Broccoli - until the end.
Carrots - lots more
Rainbow Chard, Collards or Kale - still look good
Salad Mix - last week
Eggplant  - until it freezes
Peppers - until it freezes
Tomatoes -  until it freezes 
Garlic - for the last few weeks
Onions - at the end
Leeks - at the end
Zucchini  - second planting now coming in - won't last long


last week we had blackberries and raspberries from Austin Family Farms and some very ripe peaches from First Fruits. Plus the rest of the nectarines, some pears and small early gala apples.

this week we start into apples and pears, and the end of the peaches. we'll have a variety of types of apples and pears until the end of the season.

Coming Soon (1-3 weeks)

Potatoes - started digging this week
Parsley - still picking this, some boxes get it each week.
Beyond 3 weeks
Fall Onions, Leeks
Winter Squash - if i can find some!

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